但回到家就東摸摸 西摸摸 沒有那個感覺坐在電腦前寫了
I have been asked for why I didn't update my blog for a long time.
Well...I didn't know there are so many people keep an eye on it.
I was just too busy/lazy to write down something that ran through my mind.
However, here they are!
These are some wishes that I hope I can accomplish in 2007.
旅遊 Travel
I hope I can fulfill my travel plan, including Brazil in Feb., Japan in April or June, Pescadores in summer, and Cambodia in Sep. or Oct.
環境 Environment
I hope I can turn the A/C on in fewer days. I turned the A/C on everyday in summer 2006. I felt like an Earth killer.
理財 Finance
Keep those 4 funds, but with a smart timing and target. I also should save more money and use the credit card to manage my spending.
家庭 Family
My dad decides to be retired this year. Thus, I hope I can spend more time on them and have dinner with them at least once a week.
工作 Work
I wish I can change a company in 2007, hopefully an foreign company or a local tech 100 company. I'd like to apply for a job like international sales person. If things goes wrong, I should learn some skills about patent analysis and evaluation.
生活 Life
希望今年可以訂一下數位時代,才會強迫自己每期都看,否則像去年有時一忙就會忘了去書店翻翻,而且看的也不仔細,另外每天早上看聯合新聞網的時間減少一點,分一點時間去看NYT或是Washington Post,不然擺在電腦書籤裡每個禮拜只看一次也沒有效果。
I plan to subscribe Biznext in 2007. I also should spend more time on reading NYT or Washington Post, instead of UDNnews.
運動 Sport
Keep surfing in 2007. I should also learn bowling. Gain some weight to 71-72 Kg. Spend more time on living and less on working out.
態度 Attitude
Be mature.
5 則留言:
HI 陌生人 您好
覺得 你的生活 真是多采多姿
碰巧最近看了兩本旅遊書 相關連結如下
感覺 大家都是很懂的生活的人
相較之下 我的人生 真的是無趣多了
原來看見你的網站 我已經找不到了
只想說 藉由你的網站
我不認識你 但是我謝謝你
hey i came cross your blog from yam.com
i understand chinese but i don't know how to type in it
like you i m sort of a traveller too...i come from singapore but now i live in bangkok mostly.
i have a few cities planned this year too
u write that"Destination List 近期想去的地方 * Bali-2007"
may i know when u are going? i m planning a trip on the 15 May to 15 June. if i m lucky i hope to see u there.
do u use msn? can we chat more there?
Don msn= nod0000@yahoo.com
wow. i just carefully read your blog again.
u like travelling by train...so do i, i like the slow rocking motion as it pass through green mountains, rivers and small towns.
when u mention u went to see the waterfall in brazil, the movie 春光乍洩 came to my mind. and as true to my thoughts (i read top down, so that means backwards in time), and there it is--- the influence of the movie was proven.
i dont know if it was pop culture, or if we are gay boys or keen travellers that put us in line with the same train of thought, but scary!
darn, if only i stumble cross u earlier u would have a travelling companion to your trip in Brazil!
Hey, it's so nice that you take my blog seriously. I do hope someday we could travel together to explore this planet.