
阿春仔伊阿嬤 Grandmom's Story

新寶島康樂隊 阿春仔伊阿嬤
詞/曲 陳昇

伊站在西邊日頭落去的海岸 半邊山攏蓋在濛霧內底
矸仔店的阿桑說 阿春仔 打算要落雨 您阿嬤趕緊甲叫進來躲雨

駛船的阿伯仔款款就走過來 伊說恁頭家打算是坐明天的船
港邊的人攏漸漸在散開 淒美燈塔黃昏的孤鳥在哪裡

啊咱搭官仔到底是為按怎 這啦累就連批攏不曾回
堤防頂的兵仔兄我來借問一下 那夜兵仔車欲給阮載去哪裡

喔~ 阿春仔他阿嬤 喔~ 日日夜夜對人來問起
阿春仔他阿嬤 喔~ 那個遙遠的南島在哪裡

若不是那時大家攏真歹命 咱阿公也未出門去賺吃
現在阿春仔咱都已經就不用驚 黑暗了後出日頭就攏未寒

阿嬤說 阿春仔 阿嬤累了 你幫我走一趟去海邊仔看你阿公甘有返來
靈前下的那盞電火就不通關 你阿公若返來才未來找無路

阿咱搭官仔到底是為按怎 這啦累就連批攏不曾回
連包袱都不欲提 兵仔車欲給阮載去哪裡

喔~ 阿春仔他阿嬤 喔~ 日日夜夜對人來問起
阿春仔他阿嬤 那個遙遠的南島在哪裡

阿嬤你現在就不免驚 阮阿公有帶話說伊現在真快活
咱現在大家都不免驚 黑暗了後出日頭就攏未冷

O I Ya Na Ya O O Ya Na O Yan
I Ye Ya Na O Yan I Ya Ya Na An

Ta Gu Da In Na Na Mai Da Zu Ya Ma Sa Na Mai Zu Ya
Oa Gu Da In Ja Gu Da In


This is a beautiful and poetic song by Bobby Chen, a super talented singer from Taiwan. This song is about a Grandmom's story. Evrything started from the Japanese colonial era. During WW2, Taiwan was colonized by Japan and many Taiwanese were forced to join Japanese army. Japanese thought it was so reasonable for Taiwanese to fight for their king because Taiwanese were the "Royal citizen" as well.
A-chuen's grandpa was among those young men who were deceived to fight for Japanese King. They thought they were going to work in some kind of "Southern island." However, they were sent to Southeast Asia to join the war. As time passes by, A-chuen's grandpa has never come back. Day by day, A-chuen's grandma waits for her husband coming back at the seaport. Neighbors are making well-meaning lies to her. They comfort her that maybe he is taking tomorrow's boat. Grandma keeps hold an expectation that he will coming back. So she always leaves a light on for him in case he comes back at night. She also thinks that he is too tired for writing a letter. Every day she asks the soldiers on the dike where the truck went. The truck took her husband away from her. Where is the southern island? Where is my husband?
In the end, A-chuen said to his grandma "Don't worry. Somebody told me that Grandpa is very happy now. At this time, every body is free from terror. It won't be cold after the dawn."

I really love this song. If you want to listen to this song, just leave your e-mail. I will contact you. BTW, it's in Taiwanese, it has a beautiful melody though.
