Tico Tmes v.s. Nica Times

Tico 是哥斯大黎加人的自稱 ,Nica則是尼加拉瓜人的自稱,Tico向來不喜歡Nica,覺得他們髒、窮。這個故事使自於尼加拉瓜的內戰,那時將近哥斯大黎加人口總數四分之一的尼加拉瓜難民逃到哥斯大黎加境內,原本無國家軍隊、享有高教育水準且以白人為主的哥國,必須接受這些窮苦且教育水準不高的尼加拉瓜難民,因此國內的反彈聲浪四起,有時罵人也會說"nica!",就看得出來Ticos有多麼討厭Nicas,有趣的是在Costa Rica與Nicaragua陸路邊境的Peñas Blancas,當你辦理出關入關時,還可以看到一個招牌寫著" Ticos y Nicas son hermanos."意思就是說:哥國人和尼國人是兄弟,大家不要打架喔!!感覺真的是越寫越糟。
今天突然發現哥國的英文報紙The Tico Times有出一個尼國版本The Nica Times,真的非常有趣。這兩個歡喜冤家看來勢必要處處合作了。
Taichung with a super clear sky!

This is a view of Taichung. I had a business meeting on that day and it was pouring raining in the afternoon. I took this pic on the top of ChungYo dept. store right after the raining. There was a awesome and super clear sky at that moment. The moutains are at east edge of Taichung city, the 3rd biggest city on this island.
There are around 1 million dwellers in Taichung city and about 2.5 million dwellers in great Taichung. I like Taichung a lot. It's not as stressful as Taipei, nor as barbarous as Kaohsiung. Taichung has a distinct personality of its own. I think that's why it attracts the 2nd largest gay community on the island. Gay people go Chongcheng(中正) swimming pool for sun-tanning and swimming. There are also gyms and saunas and restaurants for hanging around.
As for Chongcheng swimming pool, I have to say something aound it. It's a really nice one. Nice music! Good equipments! and awesome bodies!
People say that's becoz the owner is gay, too. Mmm...only gay guy knows what we need!
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