This is a view of Taichung. I had a business meeting on that day and it was pouring raining in the afternoon. I took this pic on the top of ChungYo dept. store right after the raining. There was a awesome and super clear sky at that moment. The moutains are at east edge of Taichung city, the 3rd biggest city on this island.
There are around 1 million dwellers in Taichung city and about 2.5 million dwellers in great Taichung. I like Taichung a lot. It's not as stressful as Taipei, nor as barbarous as Kaohsiung. Taichung has a distinct personality of its own. I think that's why it attracts the 2nd largest gay community on the island. Gay people go Chongcheng(中正) swimming pool for sun-tanning and swimming. There are also gyms and saunas and restaurants for hanging around.
As for Chongcheng swimming pool, I have to say something aound it. It's a really nice one. Nice music! Good equipments! and awesome bodies!
People say that's becoz the owner is gay, too. Mmm...only gay guy knows what we need!